TerranArticles ‣ R DS with Dalgaard

Terran ‣ Articles ‣ R DS with Dalgaard


This is a variant on the Data Science Curriculum for Engineers which includes Peter Dalgaard's book for self-study. Only the statistics section is shown in this document; refer to the primary document for all other sections.

OpenIntro Statistics and Introductory Statistics with R

Recommended Chapter Sequence

OpenIntro 1 Basic intro, about ½ of which is redundant with R4DS. Quick and easy.
OpenIntro 2 Probability. Nontrivial if this is your first time seeing it. Easy if you did it before.
OpenIntro 3 Distributions; very important. The most important distributions are the normal and binomial; do not memorize the others.
Dalgaard 3 How to use those distributions in R. Short but very important.
OpenIntro 4 Confidence intervals and the central limit theorem. Important.
OpenIntro 5 Statistical tests for continuous data and power tests. Very important.
Dalgaard 5 How to do t tests in R. Very important; nobody does these by hand.
Dalgaard 9 How to do power tests in R; also important.
Dalgaard 7 ANOVA in R. Advanced; optional.
OpenIntro 6 Statistical tests for proportions (e.g. clicks) is very important. X2 also useful; not critical.
Dalgaard 8 Proportion tests in R; important.

We do not use chapters 7 and 8 in OpenIntro Statistics

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